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Mission Behind You X Sable B.

Mission Lane Mission Behind You x Sable B. Real Brown  Girls

Who are you? What do you do?

Sable B. I'm a program director of an education based nonprofit by day and a create and founder of Real Brown Girls (RBG) by day and night. RBG focuses on the professional development of women and girls of color.

What’s your mission?

To provide women and girls of color with the tools and information they need to be respective in their respective careers.

Why not just be great at what you do? Why give back?

I don't look at is as giving back but simply giving. Countless people thought it not robbery to give to me, therefore I give.
Mission Lane Mission Behind You x Sable B. Real Brown  Girls


Are there specific people that had a big influence on your desire to give back, if so who are they and how did they influence you?

I've been surrounded by people who gave of themselves and people who didn't. I realized very early those who gave experienced more joy and a sense of fulfillment. As someone who values a life well lived, I've chosen to give as well.

Mission Lane Mission Behind You x Sable B. Real Brown  Girls

If you could ask for 3 things in this world what would it be?

1. The elimination of all of discriminatory isms.

2. True reparations for the people who have suffered under the hands of local , state, and federal (nation) governments worldwide.

3. That all publicly served food be delicious.

What’s your life motto?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

You can learn more about Sable and her mission at:

